Short Problem Definition:
Hermione Granger is lost in the Forbidden Forest while collecting some herbs for a magical potion. The forest is magical and has only one exit point, which magically transports her back to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
time complexity is O(n)
space complexity is O(n)
I solve this challenge using DFS and dynamic programming. I iterate over all n positions (denoted with .) using DFS. For each node, I remember the number of crossroads Hermione encountered up to that point. DFS does not guarantee to find the optimal solution in terms of path length.
from collections import defaultdict
def hermionesWand(arr, K, max_x, max_y):
# find both entry and exit points
for idx, line in enumerate(arr):
for inner_idx in xrange(len(line)):
if line[inner_idx] == 'M':
h = (idx, inner_idx)
if line[inner_idx] == '*':
e = (idx, inner_idx)
st = [h]
tracker = defaultdict(int)
tracker[h] = 0
# iterate the DFS list
while st:
curr = st.pop()
# exit found
if (curr == e):
return tracker[curr] == K
# save all exits that were not visited before
inner_st = set()
if (curr[0] > 0 and (arr[curr[0]-1][curr[1]] == "." or arr[curr[0]-1][curr[1]] == "*")) \
and (curr[0]-1, curr[1]) not in tracker:
inner_st.add((curr[0]-1, curr[1]))
if (curr[1] > 0 and (arr[curr[0]][curr[1]-1] == "." or arr[curr[0]][curr[1]-1] == "*")) \
and (curr[0], curr[1]-1) not in tracker:
inner_st.add((curr[0], curr[1]-1))
if (curr[0] < max_y -1 and (arr[curr[0]+1][curr[1]] == "." or arr[curr[0]+1][curr[1]] == "*")) \
and (curr[0]+1, curr[1]) not in tracker:
inner_st.add((curr[0]+1, curr[1]))
if (curr[1] < max_x -1 and (arr[curr[0]][curr[1]+1] == "." or arr[curr[0]][curr[1]+1] == "*")) \
and (curr[0], curr[1]+1) not in tracker:
inner_st.add((curr[0], curr[1]+1))
# a crossroad
if len(inner_st) > 1:
tracker[curr] += 1
# save the nodes to DFS list
for n in inner_st:
tracker[n] = tracker[curr]
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
t = int(raw_input())
for _ in xrange(t):
n, m = map(int, raw_input().split())
a = []
for line in xrange(n):
k = int(raw_input())
if hermionesWand(a, k, m, n):
print "Impressed"
print "Oops!"