Short Problem Definition:
Count the number of triangles that can be built from a given set of edges.
expected worst-case time complexity is O(N2)
expected worst-case space complexity is O(1)
Apply the caterpillar method. We know that in a sorted array every position between Q and R will be bigger than Q and therefore P+Q will be bigger than R. I therefore either increment Q if P+Q is not larger than R or increment R as far as possible.
def solution(A):
print A
triangle_cnt = 0
for P_idx in xrange(0, len(A)-2):
Q_idx = P_idx + 1
R_idx = P_idx + 2
while (R_idx < len(A)):
if A[P_idx] + A[Q_idx] > A[R_idx]:
triangle_cnt += R_idx - Q_idx
R_idx += 1
elif Q_idx < R_idx -1:
Q_idx += 1
R_idx += 1
Q_idx += 1
return triangle_cnt