Codility 'EquiLeader' Solution

Martin Kysel · August 9, 2014

Short Problem Definition:

Find the index S such that the leaders of the sequences A[0], A[1], …, A[S] and A[S + 1], A[S + 2], …, A[N - 1] are the same.



expected worst-case time complexity is O(N)

expected worst-case space complexity is O(N)


Get the leader as in the training material. Afterwards check every position if both sides have enough leader occurrences.


def solution(A):
    candidate_ele = ''
    candidate_cnt = 0

    for value in A:
        if candidate_ele == '':
            candidate_ele = value
            candidate_cnt = 1
            if value != candidate_ele:
                candidate_cnt -= 1
                if candidate_cnt == 0:
                    candidate_ele = ''
                candidate_cnt += 1

    if candidate_cnt == 0:
        return 0

    cnt = 0
    last_idx = 0

    for idx, value in enumerate(A):
        if value == candidate_ele:
            cnt += 1
            last_idx = idx

    if cnt < len(A)//2:
        return 0

    equi_cnt = 0
    cnt_to_the_left = 0
    for idx, value in enumerate(A):
        if value == candidate_ele:
            cnt_to_the_left +=1
        if cnt_to_the_left > (idx + 1)//2 and \
            cnt - cnt_to_the_left > (len(A) - idx - 1) //2:
            equi_cnt += 1

    return equi_cnt

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